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The digital quality management system for food safety of the future

Whether in incoming goods, in refrigerated rooms, in food preparation or in food service – in many restaurant chains, quality assurance involves time-consuming quality checks and complex analyses. With the efficient solution testo Saveris Restaurant, you free yourself from mountains of paper and data chaos while creating full transparency of the progress of all processes. That optimizes not only the quality assurance of your restaurant. You also have more time for activities that add value, for your staff – and of course for your guests.



Transparency of quality in your restaurant.

Digital QA

  • Quality and performance in view all the time
  • Detect sources of error early
  • Plan internal audits more easily


Reliable compliance with food safety specifications.

Optimizing processes restaurant

  • Central specifications for all restaurants
  • Guided processes for employees
  • Improved food safety culture


More efficient food safety processes.


Quality management digital

  • Sensors, software and services perfectly tuned to each other
  • Reduced effort for documentation and reporting
  • Intuitive data analysis



The three components of testo Saveris Restaurant



Sensors testo Saveris

Sensors: Reliable recording of quality data.


Software testo Saveris

Software: Analyze and document data and processes.


Services testo Saveris

Services: Your support for set-up, operation and servicing.



Your advantages of digital quality management with testo Saveris Restaurant: