- Ideal for the measurement of the pH value in semi-solid, viscoplastic and liquid media.
- Fast, easy pH and temperature measurement with just one measuring probe.
Determine the pH value more precisely with the ideal meter: really easy with Testo
The pH value is an important parameter for numerous applications, whether in the pharmaceutical industry, environmental technology or the food sector. With a Testo meter, pH measurement becomes high-precision in next to no time. Regardless of whether the medium is hot, viscous or aggressive. And a little more information makes the measurement process even more efficient!
- Combine measurement of the pH value with temperature: The pH value and temperature play an important role, particularly in food production. Work processes become more efficient when you control both parameters in one measurement process. It makes sense to use a measuring instrument here which enables you to measure the pH value and temperature at the same time. Testo offers a huge quantity of pH meters with either permanently integrated or connectable temperature probes specially for butchers and bakers.
- pH measurement in aggressive media: Extremely acid, in other words caustic, chemicals often occur in chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories. This means you need a meter with a probe that is resistant to aggressive media for measurement of the pH value – and also the temperature. Many of Testo's pH meters offer the advantage of you being able to connect external probes for special applications. This means you are ideally equipped for every application.
- More efficient pH measurement with single-rod measuring cell: The advantage of a single-rod measuring cell is that the measuring and reference electrode are installed in one unit. This means you only need one measuring probe for pH measurement, even with the additional integration of a temperature sensor. This design has established itself in practice, because it is considerably easier to handle in comparison to the separate set-up. In addition, probes of this kind have a very long service life.