Tips and tricks for temperature measurement and monitoring
A temperature meter in itself means you have already taken the first step. However, you need to bear a few things in mind for really efficient and precise temperature measurement .
Temperature measurement in liquids
With your temperature measuring instrument, choose a probe immersion depth of 10 to 15 times the probe diameter. This reduces measurement errors. In addition, it helps the accuracy of the measurement result if you keep the liquid moving during the measurement.
Surface measurement
In this case, the probe head is placed vertically onto the surface. Here it is important to ensure that neither the contact surface of the probe head nor the measurement object are uneven, as this can falsify the measurement.
Air measurement with a digital thermometer
When measuring moving air with a temperature meter, the measurement probe is simply introduced into the environment being measured. Due to its special design, the air probe has a very short response time. The measurement result can be improved by moving the probe through the air at 2 – 3 m/s during the measurement.